ACME Specialty Manufacturing
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ACME offers manufacturing services including:

Research and Development.
We provide ongoing product development support to our customers. Our quest is to continuously improve our products and manufacturing systems so that our customers and their customers remain satisfied.

Internet Communication.
Our customers can learn more about our products and services, and contact us via our web site.

ISO-9000 Certification.
ACME has been ISO registered since March 2000, and is currently registered to ISO 9001:2015. Our ISO registration is one more way our customers can be sure ACME is committed to meeting and exceeding industry standards.

Direct Phone Line/Trouble Shooting.
Our sales and technical support personnel have over 60 years of combined experience with mirror systems. You can count on receiving timely and knowledgeable answers to your questions when you call our direct sales phone lines.

Rigorous Testing.
Whether our mirrors are used on bulldozers, quarry haulers, farm machinery, or buses, our customers want to make sure they withstand the harshness of their environment. ACME can provide rigorous testing based on the planned use of a product as an added assurance that the mirrors will withstand the tests of time.

Shipping and Delivery.
We use sophisticated material requirements planning (MRP) to track inventories and route production. Electronic Data Interface (EDI), bar code labeling, and just-in-time delivery are integral to our manufacturing systems. Most ACME products are delivered in one to three days and are guaranteed for one year.



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